Here is some repair tips of iOS devices.
1. How to repair error 53 of iPhone.
2. How to repair error 3194 of iPhone.
3. Yellow screen of new iPhone.
1. How to repair error 53 of iPhone.
Error 53 |
1. try to restore again using latest itunes (update to latest version)
if same,
2. change home button (thumb) should be original
3. restore again.
How to fix this error 3194 of iOS devices.
first of all, update iTunes to latest version.
most of the time this is the simple error of your (windows/mac) os HOST file located at
if you are mac user , look here. /etc/
Open this file (with administrator privilege) in text editor (ex - notepad )you can see like below.
see this line ""
delete it or comment it as # (put # in front of the line)
save this file , restart PC, try update again.
most of the time no more error 3194.
3. Yellow screen of new iPhone.
iPhone yellow screen |
If your new iPhone may have yellowish screen compare to old iPhone. don't worry this yellowish tint appeared on many new iDevices within first few days.
This cause by adhesive use to fix the digitizer by Apple. Until it fully dried, screen may yellow. Yellow color will disappear within few days.